01 - China : 1,306,313,812
02 - India : 1,080,264,388
03 - European Union : 456,953,258
04 - United States : 295,734,134
05 - Indonesia : 241,973,879
06 - Brazil : 186,112,794
07 - Pakistan : 162,419,946
08 - Bangladesh : 144,319,628
09 - Russia : 143,420,309
10 - Nigeria : 128,765,768
11 - Japan : 127,417,244
12 - Mexico : 106,202,903
13 - Philippines : 87,857,473
14 - Vietnam : 83,535,576
15 - Germany : 82,431,390
this was the total population of the world as of July 2005 ( over 6.5 billion) as per The International Programs Center (IPC), part of the Population Division of the U.S. Census Bureau.
Let me tell you about the rodamidorafaceanimisisksm theory:
Out of over 6.5 billion people, there are only 20 people who think like me and is almost like me. Half of them although they think like me and is almost like me doesn't mean that they like me. With the remaining half, 5 of them like me in a way they never said hello for almost 10 years. The last remaining five love me. One of them loves me the most. And I'm satisfied knowing that out of over 6.5 billion people there's one person who loves me the most. =)
Talk about 1 over 6.5 billion chances. gah! I'm so bad with Probability, but I am so good with Statistics.
the rodamidorafaceanimisisksm theory comes along with a fact and rodariatic equation. it's an August 8 fact. I'll think about how to draw the equation later.
[EDITED] here's the rodariatic equation —
R dr r (har dee har har)
get it?
pyter bai! hehehe! linked you up.
bai! y man di ka ka leave ug comment? ka leave man ka bfore di ba? :)
It's a shame you're gone, you're quite fascinating ^^;
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