And theres a message that I'm sending out Like a telegraph to your soul And if I cant bridge this distance Stop this heartbreak overload I ain't missing you at all
The power P dissipated by a resistance R carrying a current I with a voltage drop V is:
P = V2 / R = VI = I2R
Similarly, the power P dissipated by a conductance G carrying a current I with a voltage drop V is:
P = V2G = VI = I2 / G
The power P transferred by a capacitance C holding a changing voltage V with charge Q is:
P = VI = CV(dv/dt) = Q(dv/dt) = Q(dq/dt) / C
The power P transferred by an inductance L carrying a changing current I with magnetic linkage Y is:
P = VI = LI(di/dt) = Y(di/dt) = Y(dy/dt) / L
in short,Tofu is Power!
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